Push Button SEO is Available at 12pm EST April 5th 2012
Click Here To Get Push Button SEO & My Massive Bonus Now
Goodbye paid link building networks…
- Build My Rank (BMR) is GONE.
- Rumors have it the SEO Link Monster has been hit…the jury is still out on Link Vana…time will tell.
Google wants to level the playing field and the latest Google Panda update has squarely targeted link-building networks.
I’ve personally leveraged link building networks extensively over the years and continue to leverage my “in house” websites for links…there’s still value in “paid links” when they’re used correctly…you just need to be careful.
When paid networks such as BMR and BU start to reappear (and no doubt they will), they’ll either need to be very different to what they were, or they’ll be on death row once again…if I find something good, I’ll let you know about it ASAP.
So what does Google want and what works now?
Well, a link on a high value related website is still the most powerful kind of link you can get and the EASIEST way to boost your rankings.
While it’s not easy to get these kinds of links, it’s also not impossible either.
You can even create them yourself…but more on than in a few days time (I’ll show you what my latest SEO plan looks like).
Tomorrow I’m going to talk about something that continues to have a big impact on SEO and I’ll also give you a plugin that you can use to help ensure you get it right.
I see people getting it wrong ALL THE TIME and it KILLS their SEO campaigns.
I won’t go in to details until tomorrow though, so watch your inbox for an email from me…or come back here to see the update.
The Changing Face of SEO – Part 2
(Updated 29th March 2012)
Yesterday I alluded to something that continues to have a big impact on SEO…it’s your ON PAGE/ON WEBSITE optimization.
For the last couple of years, links have been EVERYTHING.
Google reduced the importance of on page optimization and people went CRAZY building backlinks. Me included.
The Tide Has Turned…
The tide has certainly started to turn though and it’s more important that ever that your on page SEO optimization is right.
But Why?
Google isn’t focusing as much on links and optimization of anchor text these days, they realize it’s easy to manipulate and they HATE the fact that people like you and I can “manipulate” the system.
Anchor text is losing it’s importance all the time…I predict that as time goes by, it’ll almost completely lose it’s importance….Google has other ways to tell how websites deserved to be ranked.
On Page SEO is making a comeback.
Here are the key components that make up On Page SEO:
- You need to get your Titles, Meta Tags, Descriptions right.
- You need a good internal linking structure.
- You need good content.
Regardless of your experience, it’s EASY to get this stuff wrong. I make mistakes ALL THE TIME with my on page SEO.
Side Note: For the last 2 hours I’ve been fixing some on page SEO stuff that I thought I had right…
Thankfully, there is a solution to ensure my on page SEO is right, and today you get to download the first part of the “Lite” version completely free of charge.
So go ahead, download it now…
This won’t be available for long so download it now while you still can.
SPECIAL NOTE TO AUTHORITY HYBRID MEMBERS: I will be using this plugin on all my
Authority Sites in the future. It’d be crazy not to…it’s like an on page SEO safety net.
Disclaimer: The free plugin you can download today is a “Lite” version of one component of a plugin suite which is to be released in a few days time. I’m going to recommend you get it (it’s not expensive). To fast movers, I’ll be offering a big bonus…
I’ll go into details about the bonus next Tuesday…watch out for that email, you won’t want to miss it.
Click Here To Get Push Button SEO & My Massive Bonus
(Updated 3rd April 2012)
By now I hope you realize why Push Button SEO has become a key component of my websites.
It really is my on page SEO safety net and it does MUCH more than just on page SEO.
So how can you get it and what’s my bonus?
The Push Button SEO Suite will officially go on sale on April 5th at midday EST.
Click Here To Get Push Button SEO & My Massive Bonus
My Push Button SEO Bonus Is STRICTLY Limited To 50 People
I’ve got 50 bonus packs to give away, and I’m sure that most of them will be snapped up by the action takers who get the early bird access…so do whatever you can to get on that webinar.
Bonus Details (TOTAL VALUE $400.95):
Quick Note: The best bonus is always the one that ties in most with what you’re currently working on…if you’re in any way involved with building Authority Sites, this bonus is for you and I can guarantee you it’s the bonus that’ll provide you the most USEFUL value.
1. My Updated Link Plan (VALUE $77)
Wondering what to do now that Google has cracked down on Paid Link Networks? Learn how to move beyond Panda 3.4 by future proofing your SEO.
2. YouTube Sniper Report (VALUE $37)
If you’re a member of Authority Hybrid, then you’ve already got access to this brand new report…if not, then this will reveal how I manage to nail down high PR links on YouTube videos that have MILLIONS of views…these on topic links are super powerful and always result in a boost in my rankings.
3. Brand New Premium WP Theme (VALUE $29.95)
This brand new theme comes with some advanced features that look very very cool. Check out the extensive list of capabilities below:
4. Push Button SEO For Authority Sites (VALUE $47)
This is my guide to using Push Button SEO on Authority Sites. If you’re an Authority Hybrid Member, you’ll see exactly how I intend to apply this new plugin on all my future (and existing) Authority Sites…if you’re not a member of Authority Hybrid, this is your chance to get a look behind the curtain and get some insights into how I build my Authority Sites…
5. On Page SEO Importance Report (VALUE $37)
This report breaks down the 20 most important on page SEO factors. Not only do I list out the most influential factors, I also rate each one as either:
- Critically Important
- Important
- Minimally Important
This report will boost your understanding and ensure you get the most critical on page SEO factors right.
6. Ninja Website Error Eliminator (VALUE $37)
The “Ninja Error Eliminator” is a secret tool I use to scan my website and tell me where any broken links are. Google doesn’t tolerate broken links and if your website has them, you’re missing out on higher rankings.
7. Halloween Super Affiliate (VALUE $97)
This course earned me over $20,000 and I continue to make money from Halloween sites I set up years ago. When you purchase Push Button SEO through my link, you’ll get full access to the UPDATED version of Halloween Super Affiliate.
Note: This part of the bonus is only available to those who purchase a multi-site license of Push Button SEO.
8. Halloween Cash Grab Case Study (VALUE $37)
Because Brian agreed to let me include Halloween Super Affiliate as a bonus, I’m also going to include my Halloween Cash Grab Case Study as well. This case study reveals the strategies I’ve used to rake in tens of thousands of dollars every Halloween over the last few years and why my sites perform so much better than other affiliates…
After you purchase, email me at authorityhybrid [AT] gmail.com with a copy of your purchase receipt to claim your bonus.
Well, I know building your own network of blogs is one solution. But a pretty expensive one.
Guest blogging is another solution, a cheaper one, and I guess pretty effective, as those blogs won;t go away too soon (provided they are quality blogs that Google trusts)
But now I’\m just curious to find out what is that seo plan you are talking about.
What I’ll be talking about tomorrow is not an entire plan as such, it’s more about ensuring you get the basics right…Good points about the private blog network and guest blogging Romy
I find the term “leveling the playing field” doesn’t seem to apply to Google when it comes to affiliates. They have a ton of power and can do what they want, but seem to be heavy-handed in some instances.
Of course, we are obviously trying to game the system when we support linking that is considered black or grey hat, but they can be hypocritical when applying very broad de-indexing policies.
Bottom line for me is moving on and applying methods like those found in your products. If link networks need to adapt to stay relevant, so be it.
Hi Janeal, thanks for commenting.
Yes, Google does have a very heavy handed “one rule for all” approach but I can see what they’re trying to achieve…to reward better quality content.
By focusing on quality, we can at least ensure we’ve given them what they want. The link building isn’t such a big deal either…we really don’t need the paid networks anyway…they just made it easier
I have found that as affiliate marketers we do have the upper hand, we know seo, we know how to build links. Google has seen that the guy with the most money wins. they want it to be the guy with the most relevant and updated site wins.
so since the field is so lopsided, heavy hitting affiliates is how they level the playing field.
im all for it. its going to be tougher for us for right now.
however when the smoke clears, thousands of discouraged affiliates will lose heart, those that hang in there will benefit.
I would love to see what you have in store for us tomorrow Aidan! I have never been high on using the networks because of the very thing. I know that they worked etc. But to me building your link structure is some what of an artistic science. I personally have invested in some software that I have been using lately that by the end of April should the results I have been gunning for.
At least thats always the plan right? lol thanks for posting!
Paid link networks are a shortcut -a time saver. Whereas time = money, I see the attraction.
Back in the ’50s there was a song entitled “Anything you can do, I can do better.”
That holds true here. it’ll just take longer.
What I suspect will happen is many will be discouraged, and they’ll throw their hands into the air and walk away -as in ‘quit the biz.’
What Google is effectively doing, it seems to me, is trying to force everyone left standing to don a White Hat.
Well, alright, Google! I can do White. I look good in White.
Amy W. was Back to Black. We’re Back to White.
This is the first that I have heard of BU going down. Doesn’t surprise me though as they fall into the same category as the others. Thanks for the heads up.
Your conclusions couldn’t be more wrong. If anything, Google’s latest actions have shown just how important back links still are, and likely will remain. They wouldn’t have gone through all the trouble and expense necessary for getting rid of these back link networks if back links weren’t going to remain as important as ever. There wouldn’t be any need if back links weren’t going to be important. The problem would solve itself.
By all means, make sure your on-page seo is taken care of, but on-page will never outweigh the importance of back links, at least not in the near future. You may have to be more careful about how you get those back links these days, but there’s no doubt they still rule. With their latest actions, Google may as well have taken out a front page ad in the NYTimes admitting that back links are king.Still, I hope a lot more people take the bait, and stop back linking. It will make things easier for those of us who keep doing it.
Hi Earl, thanks for commenting
Firstly, I know links are still super important…I know they still hold the keys to getting top rankings, I don’t question that at all. All I’m saying is that anchor text isn’t as important as it once was (I can get sites ranking for my main keywords without heavy use of my target anchor text). I’m also saying that because Google isn’t relying so heavily on the anchor text to determine what a website is about, you NEED to get your on page SEO right…
Example: If you build 100 links to a website that targets the keyword “dog training”, but not one of those links actually uses the keyword “dog training”, you can still get #1 rankings for “dog training” provided your on page SEO is up to scratch.
Regarding link building, it’s all about high quality links…a few high quality links can make a huge difference…
Let me know if you agree with this – thanks once again for commenting
Whats up with Blogging Underground? is it still ok?
Has it been targeted Aiden?
Hi Ian, I’m looking in to this…I’ve emailed Mike Liebner (the owner of BU) to get more accurate information…
OK, mark me down as officially confused.
I understand getting my on page SEO right.
What I’m confused about is backlinks, are they important or not. I can’t see how they are not important. Maybe, a backlink from a low quaility source is not good, but how do you know if a site is a low quality source with out hours of investigation.
I was ready to purchase a software package that would create links from multiple social bookmark sites.
Now, I’m not sure that would be a wise purchase.
What do you think?
Hi Chuck, sorry, this is my fault for confusing you…backlinks are ABSOLUTELY important…it’s just that Google is focusing more and more on high quality backlinks nowadays…and the ANCHOR TEXT (the words used in links), is nowhere near as important as it used to be.
Be careful with anything that promises thousands of links Chuck…I’d personally pass on that…hold off for a bit…try using free methods such as creating high quality Squidoo lenses, or commenting on quality blogs…
Regarding knowing if a link is good or not, you can often tell pretty fast just by looking at the website…does the website have good content or is it just garbage? Is the website related to your niche? If so, that helps a LOT with regards to quality. Regarding what is and isn’t a good link is too big of a topic to get into here, just know that link building is EXTREMELY important, as is on page SEO.
Hi Aidan
Well I am intrigued about all the hype. I will definately be on the webinar!
It’s a really good plugin and Brian will be giving a good webinar (as always)